Product Design in the Emerging Experience Economy |
COVID – 19 and its Impact on Design Education; Call for Creative Integration of Digital Technology for its Effective Online Delivery; Shashank Mehta; https://nid.academia.edu/ShashankMehta/Drafts |
Changing Industrial Design Scenario in India and its Impact on its Curriculum; Shashank Mehta; https://nid.academia.edu/ShashankMehta/Drafts |
Design Educator, the Key Contributor to the Success of the Design Education; Shashank Mehta; https://nid.academia.edu/ShashankMehta/Drafts |
The Role of Industrial Design in India’s Economic Developments in the Next Decade; Shashank Mehta; https://nid.academia.edu/ShashankMehta/Drafts |
Expanding Domains of Design: Ascertaining its Impact on the Discipline; Shashank Mehta; https://nid.academia.edu/ShashankMehta/Drafts |
A Framework to Review Design Education Programs; A Case Study; Shashank Mehta; https://nid.academia.edu/ShashankMehta/Drafts |
Reforming Design Education in India; Towards its Effective Utilization for National Prosperity; Shashank Mehta; https://nid.academia.edu/ShashankMehta/Drafts |
Service Design Approach; an Opportunity for Indian IT Industry to Move Up the Value Chain; Shashank Mehta; 2016 |
Design Clinics - An Approach in design Research; Shashank Mehta, Purandar Dutta; INSIGHT 2015 Design Research Symposium, NID, Bangalore; 23-24 January 2015 |
Ergonomic Design Intervention; a Critical Step for the MSMEs in India; Shashank Mehta; International Ergonomic Conference HWWE2014, IIT, Guwahati, 1 – 5 December, 2014 |
Towards Creating a sustainable Design Ecosystem for MSMEs; A Design Clinic Approach; Shashank Mehta, 2013 IEEE-Tsinghua International Design management Symposium, Shenzhen, 1 -2 December 2013 |
Sustainability: Context and Design; Shashank Mehta, Handbook of Design for Sustainability, Edited by Walker Stuart, Giard Jacques; Bloomsbury Publishing Plc., ISBN: 9780857858528 |
Postgraduate Programme in Service Design: Towards India’s Sustainable Economic Development; Shashank Mehta, Designing Design education for India, DDEI Conference, Pune, 13 – 15 March 2013 |
Postgraduate Programme in Prodcuct Design Engineering: Towards Accelerating India’s Economic Growth; Shashank Mehta, The Trellis; Design + Research, December 2010, Volume 02, Issue 06 |
‘Design to Connect: Encouraging Social Innovations and Sustainability in the Indian Context’; Shashank Mehta, ‘Social Innovation and Sustainability: International context and opportunities for Brazil’, inovabr, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, November 2010. |
Paper published in Inovacao social e sustentabilidade, Desenvolvimento local, empreendedorismo e design; Edited by Roberto Bartholo, Carla Cipolla, ISBN: 978-85-7650-332-3, |
‘The Service Design Course Module: Steering Design Students Towards new Career Opportunities’;Shashank Mehta, LeNS conference; Sustainability in design: NOW! Challenges and opportunities for Design Research, Education and Practice in the XXI Century, Bangalore, 30th September 2010. |
‘Momentous Mementoes’; Shashank Mehta, Anil Sinha, The Trellis; Design + Research, April 2010, Volume 02, Issue 05. |
‘Education as a means of Social Innovation; Ensuring a Smooth Transition from the Classroom to the Workplace’; Shashank Mehta, Asia Design Journal; Vol. 5, March 2010; ISSN 1738-3838; KDRI, Korea Design Research Institute, Korea |
Proposal for Introduction of 2.5 -year Postgraduate Programme in Product Design Engineering, Autodesk India Pvt. Ltd. |
‘Postgraduate Programmes in Design: Creating New Horizons for Design Graduates in India.’; Shashank Mehta, International Conference in Design Research into Design (ICoRD’09), Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Faculty for Product Design and Manufacturing (CPDM), Bangalore, 7 – 9 January 2009. |
Paper published in Research into Design; Supporting Multiple Facets of Product Development, Edited by Amaresh Chakrabarti, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, ISBN: 978-981-08-2277-4, Published by Research Publishing Services, Singapore |
‘Exploring Indigenous Innovations; Ascertaining the Scope for Design Interventions for their Successful Commercialization’; Shashank Mehta & Ravi Mokashi-Punekar; Changing the change, An international conference on the role and potential of design research in the transition towards sustainability, 10-12, July 2008, Torino, Italy. |
‘Book Review, The Art of Innovation + Innovation by Design’, Designplus, Vol. XXVII Mar and June 2008 |
‘Design Education for Crafts Communities: a Global - Local Approach’; Shashank Mehta & Vijai Singh Katiyar, DEFSA Conference 2007, FLUX: Design Education in a Changing World, October 3-5, 2007, Cape Town, South Africa |
Proposal for Introduction of 4-year Graduate Degree Programme in Product Design at Institute of Integrated Learning & Management, IILM, New Delhi |
‘Design Education, Tradition & Modernity; Scholastic Papers from the International Conference, DETM 05’; Edited by Vijai Singh Katiyar & Shashank Mehta, 2007, ISBN No: 81-86199-57-8. |
‘Redesign and Development of Railway Track Tools on Ergonomics Principles’; Subir Das & Shashank Mehta, International Conference on Ergonomics (ICE) 2007, December 3-5, 2007, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
‘Exploring Indigenous Innovations; Insights and Experiential Reflections on Module Development and Delivery.’; Shashank Mehta & Ravi Mokashi-Punekar, International Conference on design education, CONNECTED 2007, July 9 – 12, 2007, Sydney, Australia, |
‘Exploring Indigenous Innovations’; Shashank Mehta & Ravi Mokashi-Punekar, a paper republished in Designplus, Vol. XXVI Sept. & Dec. 2007 |
‘Product Design Identity of India’ , presentation and publication of paper at the Asia Design Network Conference, Osaka, Japan, 2005 |
‘Design, development and technology’ – a paper published in the institute’s Design Magazine – ‘Design Plus’ June 2004. |
Survey and Feasibility report for revival of Upendra Maharathi Institute of Industrial Design, Patna |
‘Sustainable Product Design; The Indian Context’ – a paper published in the institute’s Design Magazine – ‘Design Plus’, Vol. VIII, March 2003 |
‘Sustainability; The Indian Context’ - a paper republished in the ‘Design Networks Asia’(DNA), Japan, September 2003. |
‘Services that Sustain’ - presentation and publication of the paper for the exhibition ‘Visions of possible world’ at Politechnico de Milan, Italy – December 2003. |
‘Competitive Edge Through Design’ - Presentation and Publication of paper at the Technology Summit (CII), Hydrabad, 2001. |
‘Postgraduate Programmes in Design - The UK Perspective’ – Paper for internal circulation for NID faculty members. |
‘Solar Cooker’ , presentation and publication of paper at the National Energy Seminar at S.V.R. College of Engg. & Tech., Surat, 1986. |
‘Comparative study of Solar Cookers’, a paper presented at the National Solar Energy Convention, IIT, Delhi,1987 and subsequently published in its proceedings ‘Energy Options for the 90's’. |
‘Temperature History and heat balance of Damru Chulha’ a paper presented at the National Solar Energy Convention, IIT, Delhi,1987 and subsequently published in its proceedings ‘Energy Options for the 90's’. |
‘Janata Shitak -A Home made Refrigerator’, a paper published in the student magazine, SVR College of Engg, & Technology, Surat, 1985. |